Prospectus 2023
"यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता:"
Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s UniversitY (JVWU)
Established by Govt. of Rajasthan


73rd Constitution Day was celebrated at Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University to pay respect towards our constitution.

73rd Constitution Day was celebrated at Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University to pay respect towards our constitution.
Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University celebrated 73rd Constitution Day on 26 November 2022 .To celebrate the Day, Faculty of Law and Governance organized a Guest Lecture Program for all students and staff members. Event was started with a floral tribute to Dr. B.R Ambedkar followed by lamp lighting by the Chief Guest ,Shri Narayan Prasad Ji (Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate) with Special Guest Shri Gaurav Jain (Advocate at High Court Jaipur), the President I/C Prof. (Dr.) Pramod K Raghav , Dean, Dr. Sanjay Chhabra and Director, Prof Dr. Beena Dewan Faculty of Law and Governance.
After inaugurating the program, bouquets & Mementos were presented to the Guests as a token of respect. Thereafter, Pro. Dr. Bina Dewan in her welcome address, briefly outlined the significance of the day and showed her respect and gratitude to Bharat Ratna, Dr. B.R. R. Ambedkar. Also, President I/C Prof. (Dr.) Pramod K Raghav addressed students and motivate them to make their career as a legal professional in different roles.
The Chief Guest of the event, Shri Narayan Prasad Ji (Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate) in his speech, highlighted a brief life sketch and contribution of Dr. B.R Ambedkar on structuring the constitution of India and mentioned various social problems prevailing at the time of independence which were threatening the future of India. In the end, he wished the students a bright future.
Special Guest Shri Gaurav Jain (Advocate at High Court Jaipur) discussed the Right to Privacy. He said Every individual has his own secrets, talks, planning etc. which they don’t want to show, tell and discuss with others. So right to privacy plays a important role in the freedom and liberty of a person and if our fundamental right given under Article 21 of Indian Constitution,1950. We all are individuals and have our unique thoughts, unique experiences in life so there are many experiences in our life which we do not want others to know because that might affect our image, so we must know about our privacy right.
At the end of event, Dr. Sanjay Chhabra Dean of Faculty of Law & Governance delivered the vote of thank to all guest and faculty members.
All Students, NSS Volunteers , Staff members attended the event & the whole event was commendable which spread awareness among students about our Constitution.