"यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता:"
Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s UniversitY (JVWU)
Established by Govt. of Rajasthan


The University has designed many unique activities leading to real practical exposure for better understanding with academics and recognition of their talents. The University is committed to fulfillment of University Mission “Education for Community Development” through academics and following different activities:

Portfolio Division Activity

  • The students are divided into three portfolios on the basis of their field of interest and by using scientific methods like psychometric test, personal interviews, interactions etc.
  • The Portfolios are: Corporate Portfolio, Government Portfolio and Entrepreneur Portfolio.
  • The University puts efforts and gives attention on the students according to the Portfolio and organizes each and every activity of the student in the direction of Portfolio like – Industry Training, Industry Visit, Projects, Dissertation, Tailored Programs, CDA/ ECA/ Language Proficiency courses and keeps grooming.

Community Development Activity (CDA)

  • Idea generation for Community development.
  • Execution of classroom learning through various community development projects.
  • The duration of each program is according to the duration of Academic program and evaluation is based on grade system which is displayed in Marksheet.

Curriculum Training and Exposure (CTE)

  • Curriculum Traning and Exposure provides important opportunities to the students to become engaged in real world issues that transcends class room walls.

Compulsory Courses

  • To fulfillment of University Mission to provide “EDUCATION FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT” leading to women empowerment and awareness of Women Rights and Law to all the people, and Resolution “The University awards degree to the students who have passed Community Awareness compulsory courses i.e. Women Rights, Law, Empowerment and Disaster Management along with Academic Credits. The above mentioned courses are compulsory to pass for women in regular programs, for Men & women both in Distance & Research programs.
  • It is compulsory for all the students and marks & grade are displayed on Marksheet.
  • It is an awareness program which helps in eradication of the social problems of our country.

Language Proficiency Courses

  • To develop the skill of English language, speaking, reading and writing for compete in highly competitive global market.
  • It is divided into four levels A, B, C & D.
  • The grading for Level A shall be mentioned in Marksheet while certificate shall be provided for the Learner B, C and D.

Activity Rules & Regulations

The following activities are held along with Academic Credits during the program of study and are evaluated through Continuous Assessment or End Term Examination or both and called as Non Academic Credits (NAC).

  • Certificate in Community Awareness Education (CCAE)- It is on the bases of the Resolution of the University - “The University awards degree to the students who have passed Community Awareness compulsory courses i.e. Women Rights, Law, Empowerment and Disaster Management along with Academic Credits” and marks are displayed in Mark sheet.
  • Community Development Activity (CDA) - It is portfolio based whole program duration activity and evaluation is done through Continuous Assessment three times in a year and grades are awarded in the last Trimester/ Semester/ Year mark sheet of each year.
  • Extra Curricular Activity (ECA) – It is a portfolio based yearly activity and evaluation is based on Continuous Assessment and grades are awarded in the last Trimester/ Semester/ Year mark sheet of each year.
  • Professional Development Activity (PDA)- It is portfolio based activity related to their curriculum and evaluation is as per Academic Credits. It covers all Industrial Visit, Training, Dissertation, Paper Presentation, Seminars etc.
  • Certificate Course in Professional Communication (CCPC)- It is a portfolio based activity and evaluation is based on Continuous Assessment and grades are awarded in the Mark sheet.