Prospectus 2024
"यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता:"
Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s UniversitY (JVWU)
Established by Govt. of Rajasthan


Activity:''DrGarg Immunity & Nutrition Mission'' - FreeSwarnaPrasan Campaign ''

Activity:''#DrGargImmunity & #NutritionMission'' - #FreeSwarnaPrasan #Campaign ''
To Fulfill: University’s Mission “Education for #CommunityDevelopment” and #UnnatBharatAbhiyaan #MHRD

#JayotiVidyapeethWomen's University has designed and executed various community development activities in its 5 adopted villages (Jharna, Devla, Keshrisinghpura, Kapidyawas and Kotjewar) for the fulfillment of University’s Mission “Education for #CommunityDevelopment” and Unnat Bharat Abhiyaan (#UBA), MHRD, GOI. Through these activities, University is aiming to help in the eradication of the social problems in the field of education, health, sanitation etc.
Continuing the sustainable efforts for community development, recently, the university has launched ''#DrGarg & #NutirionMission'' under which, the university is conducting many activities in its adopted villages. the first activity was done in the year 2019 for Saplings of medicinal plants such as Neem, Amla, Giloy, Aloe vera, Sehjan & Naagphani and developed #DrGargImmunity& #NutritionKyari” at each household and schools of adopted villages for providing health benefits to the villagers.
The University has also launched University Startup namely #DrGargDigitalHerbalGarden"#SinglePointofGreenEarning"" that provides information about medicinal plants including their properties, usages and therapeutic values in medical practices like Ayurveda, Homeopathy & Modern Medicine. #UniversityStartup #DrGargDigitalHerbalGarden also offers a wide range of such plants for sale & purchase of raw material by manufacturing industries of #AYUSH Medicines. University Startup #JVCare "Maa Ka Sparsh" provides services for medical care through immunity booster, prophylactics, Veda's procedures like #Prakrtik Jeevan, #PrakritikDinchairya#PrakritikPosture#VedicStressManagement and through Veda's procedures for pregnant women to acquire '#Vedic Santaan' JV care provides all medical care will feeling like "#MaakaSparash".
And now, along with several ongoing community development activities, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University, Jaipur is organizing the ''#FreeSwarnaPrasanCampaign'' for children aged 1 to 16 years of University adopted villages. The campaign will be held for the next 8 months from February 2020 on #PushyaNakshatra of every month, under which thousands of children from adopted villages will be given the dosage of #Swarnaprash that increases immunity power and nurture early physical and mental development of the child.
The University appeal to all villagers to be available in their homes on the above dates for the health benefits of their child. The university will be at your doorstep to give your child a dose of #Swarnaprash and people from other areas can also bring their children to the University AYUSH Hospital to provide the #Swarnaprash dose at a subsidized rate