"यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता:"
Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s UniversitY (JVWU)
Established by Govt. of Rajasthan

Academic Fast Facts

  • Technology Enabled Lecture Theatres
    Enabled with high speed internet connectivity, a new world of discovery makes lessons interesting with audio visual effects.
  • State-of-the-Art Laboratories
    Harnessed with the best of modern technology to support the intellectual curiosity of students and ensure rewarding laboratory experience.
  • High Tech Computer Labs
    With restricted access to non-reliable websites, comprehensive computers available with a wide range of specialist applications to support study programs.
  • Enriched Library
    The library has rich collection of relevant books to support students’ information needs, the e-library is enriched with E-Textbooks, E-Journals and easy accessibility to various Digital Libraries like DELNET, MANUPATRA etc.
  • Theatre Style Seminar Halls
    The Seminar Halls are well equipped with modern acoustics and facilities to conduct corporate events, recruitment exercise, and student club activities.
  • GD Room for brainstorming
    A place provided for students to exchange crucial ideas, pool in efforts and strategies on everyday activities.
  • Extra Curricular Activities
    Keeping students busy beyond academics, the extra-curricular is designed for students to grow socially & emotionally.
  • University Mission Courses/ University Compulsory Course
    To inculcate moral ethical values, spirit of social responsibilities and awareness of legal rights & laws University offers University Compulsory courses & University Mission Courses i.e. Women Rights & Laws, Self Defense, Help, Yoga & Meditation, Gender Sensitization and My Behaviour & Ethics as a compulsory curriculum. Degree awarded to the students only after obtaining grade in these courses along with required Academic Credits
  • Community Development Activities
    Students learn a sense of social responsibility through various formal and informal methods and also learn to conceptualize the study of their field.
  • Internship Projects
    Internship as a crucial part of curriculum allows students to apply theoretical knowledge to real world challenges.
  • Academic Tours
    Practical perspective of industrial work scenario is opened to the students through academic tours.
  • Value Added Courses
    Skill enhancement and certified training for quality development of a student's portfolio into either of three the portfolios namely: Corporate, Government and Entrepreneur.
  • My Academic Profile
    An effective e-tool evolved for the students to view their overall Academic Schedule, attendance, activities, study material and day to day learning.
  • Innovation & Incubation Centre
    For explosive growth of the students, JV provides platforms to gives them a chance to inculcate a culture of innovation driven entrepreneurship, to promote startups by mentoring, consulting, training, knowledge & linkage with various functional areas, domains & Industries before they reach out to the world.