"यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता:"
Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s UniversitY (JVWU)
Established by Govt. of Rajasthan


A set of rules for hostel students to follow regarding the care and maintenance of amenities in their rooms:

Hostel Room Amenities Care Rules

To ensure a comfortable living environment for all residents, the following rules must be adhered to regarding the care and maintenance of amenities in your room:

General Responsibilities

  1. Respect for Amenities: Students must handle all amenities (freezer, TV, AC, etc.) with care and use them only for their intended purposes.
  2. Cleaning and Maintenance: Students are responsible for the cleanliness and basic maintenance of their amenities. Regular cleaning is required to prevent damage and ensure proper functioning.

Freezer and Refrigerator

  1. Proper Use: Do not overload the freezer or refrigerator. Ensure that items are stored properly to avoid spills or blockages.
  2. Defrosting: If the freezer requires defrosting, students must do so promptly and according to guidelines provided by hostel management.
  3. Temperature Settings: Ensure that the temperature settings are appropriate to maintain food safety without overworking the appliance.


  1. Careful Handling: Do not place heavy objects on the TV or manipulate the screen forcefully. Use appropriate settings for volume and brightness to avoid damage.
  2. Cable Management: Keep cables organized and untangled to prevent wear and tear. Students should report any issues immediately.
  3. Recharge: Students have to recharge the TV as per their need or can connect through  wi-fi

Air Conditioner

  1. Temperature Control: Set the AC to reasonable temperatures to conserve energy. Excessive use may lead to higher costs.
  2. Cleaning Filters: Clean or replace AC filters regularly to ensure optimal performance. Students are responsible for any damage caused by neglect.
  3. Power Off When Not in Use: Turn off the AC when leaving the room for extended periods to save energy and prevent wear.

Reporting Issues

  1. Immediate Reporting: Any malfunction or damage to amenities must be reported to hostel Warden immediately. Delays may result in further damage and potential costs.
  2. Repair and Maintenance Costs: Students will bear the costs of repairs and maintenance for any damages caused due to neglect, misuse, or intentional damage.


  1. Personal Items: Do not place personal appliances (e.g., microwaves, kettles other than permissible size ) in the room without permission, as they may cause electrical overload.
  2. Quiet Hours: Be mindful of noise levels when using electronic amenities

Penalties for Non-Compliance:
Failure to follow these rules may result in penalties, including financial responsibility for repairs, loss of amenity privileges, or other disciplinary actions.

By adhering to these rules, we can ensure a pleasant and functional living environment for everyone in the hostel.

Thank you for your cooperation!