"यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता:"
Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s UniversitY (JVWU)
Established by Govt. of Rajasthan


Students are eligible to apply for an education loan, after her enrollment. These loans cover both the tuition fees and student hostel fees. Education Loan may be availed by any Nationalized Bank and other Govt. agencies as per their nature.

    The University has a tie up with State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur to facilitate education loans.

  • Cover all courses of Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University.
  • Include tuition fees, books cost, hostel fees, for courses.
  • Concessional rate of interest.
  • Speedy disposal of loan applications.

Majorly all the banks are providing loans to the University students in present for which references are shared here.

The following points are to be considered in case of loans:

  • Education loan requires a co-applicant (Parents, Spouse, Siblings or Guardian).
  • The loan amount will be paid directly to the University.
  • Students are responsible to ensure that all documentation is provided on time and clarifications provided to the bank, as and when required. The bank will conduct its own verification (both information provided by the students and physical residence verification) before disbursing the loan and the decision of the bank is final.
  • Students are required to directly follow up with the bank with regards to status of their loans.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to complete the entire documentation and sanction of the loan, latest by Reporting Dates.
  • The University provide assistance to all the students for the speedy disposal of Education Loan however, we do not guarantee sanction of the loan. In cases where the loan is not sanctioned by the bank, the students should pay the fee to the University.
  • Terms and conditions for the education loan are subject to change based on the bank’s policies and Government of India regulations with regard to education loans.

For further assistance regarding Loan and Scholarships pls. mail at Loans


The University offers financial assistance services to students belongs to different States of India. This reflects the University’s commitment to ensure that deserving students are financially supported, wherever necessary, to enable them to pursue their education.

University will be assisting all the students regarding filling up the scholarship form as per student eligibility and forwarding it to concern department. Scholarship amount shall be disbursed on the discretion of concern department or agency.

In previous years, University students had obtained scholarships from various government departments such as AICTE, Department of Minority Affairs, and Department of Social Justice & Empowerment of majorly all states of India etc. Students are also getting fellowships from various agencies.

Our University students are availing scholarships from:


  Department/Agency Scholarship Name Scholarships provided to 
JVWU Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University Vairous different Scholarship Schemes Open for all
Scheduled Caste & Schedule Tribe Department, Bihar Post Matric Scholarship SC/ST/OBC/BC/BPL  
JVWU Department Of Social Justice & Empowerment Post Matric Scholarship SC/ST/OBC/BC/BPL Fee scholarship by Department of Social Justice & Empowerment, State Govt.
JVWU Department Of Social Justice & Empowerment, Rajasthan Post Matric Scholarship SC/ST/OBC/BC/BPL
JVWU Department Of Social Justice & Empowerment, Uttar Pradesh Post Matric Scholarship SC/ST/OBC/BC/BPL
JVWU Department Of Social Justice & Empowerment, Jharkhand Post Matric Scholarship SC/ST/OBC/BC/BPL
JVWU Department Of Social Justice & Empowerment, Madhya Pradesh Post Matric Scholarship SC/ST/OBC/BC/BPL
JVWU Department Of Social Justice & Empowerment, Gujrat Post Matric Scholarship SC/ST/OBC/BC/BPL
JVWU Department Of Social Justice & Empowerment, Chhatisgarh Post Matric Scholarship SC/ST/OBC/BC/BPL
Department Of Social Justice & Empowerment, Arunachal Pradesh Post Matric Scholarship SC/ST/OBC/BC/BPL
Department Of Social Justice & Empowerment, Assam Post Matric Scholarship SC/ST/OBC/BC/BPL
Department Of Social Justice & Empowerment, Himachal Pradesh Post Matric Scholarship SC/ST/OBC/BC/BPL
Department Of Social Justice & Empowerment, Uttarakhand Post Matric Scholarship SC/ST/OBC/BC/BPL
Department Of Social Justice & Empowerment, Punjab Post Matric Scholarship SC/ST/OBC/BC/BPL
JVWU Department Of Social Justice & Empowerment, Haryana Post Matric Scholarship SC/ST/OBC/BC/BPL
JVWU Deaprtment of Social Hustice & Empowerment National Scholarship for persons with disabilities & Social Defence Person with Disabilities
Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. of India Post Matric Scholarship & Merit Cum Means Students belonging to notified minority communities viz.Muslim/Christian/Sikh/Buddhist/Jain/Parsi Special fee benefits for minority (Jain,Muslim) students by Govt. of India
JVWU AICTE Scholarship J & K Scholarship Students of  J & K Full fee Scholarship for J&K by AICTE
JVWU Samaj Kalyan Vibhag (Bihar) Anusuchit Jati Purvadahsam chhatravati Yozna SC/ST/EBC Scholarship for SC/ ST/ EBC by BC & EBC Welfare Department, Bihar Govt.
Samaj Kalyan Vibhag (UP) Anusuchit Jati Purvadahsam chhatravati Yozna SC/ST/EBC Scholarship for SC/ ST/ EBC by Samaj Kalyan Vibhag by UP Govt.
Directorate of Tribal Affairs(Jharkhand, J& K and Manipur and other states) Post Matric Scholorship for ST For ST candidates
Department of Higher Education,MHRD Central Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students open for All
Adim Jati Kalyan Vibhag  Post MatricScholarship Schemes SC/ST/OBC/BPL
Dedicated Cell, Govt. of India, Andhra Pradesh Post MatricScholarship Schemes SC/ST/OBC/BPL
Ministry of Defence PM's Scholarship Scheme Scholarship of Dependants and Widows of Retired and Seving Defence Personnel
Air Force Wives Welfare Association New Delhi CONCESSIONS BY ARMED FORCES WIVES WELFARE ASSOCIATIONS Scholarship for the children of Army
Prime minister Scholarship Scheme Special Scholarships to the ward of Emplyoees of Railways Scholarship for the children of Railway Employees
Eastern Railway Special Scholarships to the ward of Emplyoees of Railways Scholarship for the children of Railway Employees
Western Railway Special Scholarships to the ward of Emplyoees Scholarship for the children of Railway Employees
Central Railway Central Staff Benefit Fund Scholarship for the children of Railway Employees
Sitaram Jindal Foundation Scholarship Merit Scholarship Open for all
Department of Ex- Serviceman Welfare PM's Scholarship Scheme Scholarship For wards of Govt. Employees Scholarship for wards of Ex-Serviceman by Govt. of India
Central Coalfields Ltd. Ranchi CCL awards scholarships for the meritorious students Scholarship For wards of their Employees
JVWU BSNL Employee Scholarship Scholarship for the children of BSNL Employees Ward of BSNL Employees Scholarship to the Ward of BSNL Employees by BSNL
National Scholarship Central Sector Scheme of Scholarships for College & University students by Department of Higher Education, Rajasthan SC/ST/ OBC 
Department of Agriculture, Rajasthan State Cash incentive to B.SC (Ag) pursuing rajasthan resident students  All