"यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता:"
Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s UniversitY (JVWU)
Established by Govt. of Rajasthan

Examination Rules & Regulation

  1. The marks & grade distribution of Evaluation in each Subject is as follows:
    85% and above Grade A+ (Excellent)
    75 % and above but below 85% Grade A (Very Good)
    60 % and above but below 75% Grade B ( Good)
    51 % and above but below 60% Grade C (Satisfactory)
    At  50 % Grade D (Average)
    Below 50% Grade  E (Backlog)
    Passed with Grace Grade DG
    Absent in Exam (Ab) Grade E (Backlog)
    Exam Cancellation against Penalty (EC) Grade E (Backlog)
  2. Grade in each subject will be calculated from the total marks obtained in Continuous Assessment and End Term Examination in that subject.
  3. Final Grade in each Trimester/ Semester/ Year will be calculated from the aggregate of marks obtained in all the subjects of that Trimester/ Semester/ Year.
  4. A candidate securing E grade in a subject shall be considered as backlog and has to clear the backlogs within the maximum duration of the course (Minimum duration of the Course + 2 years).
  5. A candidate securing ‘E’ grade in a subject shall appear in Continuous Assessment or End Term Examination or both as Backlog.
  6. Absentee or Exam Cancellation Case will be treated as Backlog.
  7. Final Year(s)/Semester(s)/ Trimester(s) Memorandum of Marks, will not be issued until previous backlog(s) are cleared, however the result will be declared.
  8. In case of any error being detected in Memorandum of Marks and is brought to notice of the Examination Authorities, the University is fully empowered to correct the same.
  9. Grace Marks are applicable only for Academic Credits: OneGrace Mark each will be awarded, if required, in the fresh attempt in utmost two Theory Subjects on the aggregate marks obtained in that subject(s).
  10. The University has three types of category of students:
    A Regular – Full Time
    B Regular – Part Time
    C Distance Education
  11. The University Awards Degree(s) with nomenclature as specified in 22(3) of the UGC Act 1956 & also Certificate(s), Diploma(s), Post Graduate Diploma(s) to Female Candidates enrolled in Regular Programs & to both Male & Female candidates enrolled in Distance Education Programs and Research Programs of the University.
  12. In Regular/ Research/ Distance Education Programs, the Non Academic Credits (NAC) shall be evaluated through Continuous Assessment or End Term or Both and the marks & grade will be awarded as above.
  13. All the disputes pertaining to Examinations and its related matters will be referred compulsorily to a “Tribunal of Arbitration” of the University before availing the judicial remedies in a court whose Jurisdiction shall be Jaipur District only.