"यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता:"
Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s UniversitY (JVWU)
Established by Govt. of Rajasthan

Rules & Regulation

  • It is an honor for every student to wear ID-Card with proper uniform during the Academic Hours, Educational visits or tours. Improper or Incomplete Uniform defeats your personality and hinders the discipline.
  • Punctuality is a tool of success in life. We expect you to be regular & punctual in attending your classes.
  • 80% of Academic Attendance is mandatory to appear for examinations. The attendance may be viewed by students and parents on University Information System at University Website using the Username and Password on login panel.
  • It is advisable to carefully handle the Academic Tools that includes OHP, wall mounted Projectors and other e-resources provided in Classrooms, Lecture Theaters, Library etc.
  • It is a good habit to study from e- resources such as video lectures, ejournals before attending the classes for effective learning.
  • Students are expected to switch off the AC's and other power points before leaving the Classroom, Lecture hall or Labs.
  • It is an unhealthy practice to consume eatables, chewing gums etc or indulge in any non academic activity such as listening music, watching movie etc in Academic Blocks. It is therefore advisable not to bring any non academic items such as I-Pods, eatables etc. as declared from time to time.
  • Wearing Lab coats while working in laboratory or workshops is the prescribed dress code. All the ultra sophisticated instruments & modern high-tech equipments/apparatus must be used under the supervision of specialized Lab Technicians or Faculty Members.
  • The University Infrastructure is converted to Practice Lab in the evening for providing practice sessions to the students.
  • Seminars are organized regularly for enhancement of your knowledge.
  • Every Individual is expected to give active participation in Group Discussions to build self confidence.
  • It is compulsory to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while working in Poly House, Green house or Animal house.
  • Students must work under Supervision of Faculty in the Plant Tissue Culture laboratory situated in the Campus.
  • Library is open 6 days a week and access to e-Library is open 24 x 7. • Long absence without applying for leave from Academics may lead to cancellation of admission.
  • Awareness about Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Good Lab Practices (GLPs) is useful before practicing on instruments /equipments.
  • All the glassware/ instruments are to be handled with care and recommended to clean after and before the experiment.
  • Extra classes are provided free of charge in the evening as recommended by their faculty.