Prospectus 2024
"यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता:"
Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s UniversitY (JVWU)
Established by Govt. of Rajasthan

JV’n Dr. Md Meraj Alam

S.No. Program View Download
1 Adaptive Expectation Click Here
2 Business Cycle Click Here
3 Business Cycle 1 Click Here
4 Approaches of Money Supply Click Here
5 An Introduction to Keynesian Theory of Employment Click Here
6 Causes of Inflation Click Here
7 Classical theory of employment 1 Click Here
8 Classical theory of employment II Click Here
9 Classical Theory of Rate of Interest Click Here
10 Concepts of Environmental Studies Click Here
11 Consumption Function Click Here
12 Demand pull Inflation and Cost Push inflation Click Here
13 Determinant of Investment Click Here
14 Determinants of Consumption Function Click Here
15 Different Approaches of Money Supply Click Here
16 Effects of Inflation – Part 1 Click Here
17 Effects of Inflation – Part 2 Click Here
18 Environment Its meaning and significance Click Here
19 Equilibrium of the Goods Market and Money Market Click Here
20 Friedman’s View The Long-Run Phillips Curve Click Here
21 Functions of Money Part 1 Click Here
22 Functions of Money Part 2 Click Here
23 Greshams Law Click Here
24 Hicks’s Theory of Business Cycles Click Here
25 Historical background of environment studies Click Here
26 Inflation Meaning and Types -I Click Here
27 Inflationary Gap Click Here
28 Investment Function - Types of Investment Click Here
29 Investment Function Click Here
30 IS and LM functions- I Click Here
31 IS and LM functions- II Click Here
32 IS-LM Curve Model Explaining Role of Government’s Fiscal and Monetary Policies Click Here
33 Kaldor’s Theory of Business Cycles Part-1 Click Here
34 Kaldor’s Theory of Business Cycles Part-2 Click Here
35 Liquidity Preference Theory of Interest - I Click Here
36 Liquidity Preference Theory of Interest - II Click Here
37 Loanable Funds theory of Rate of Interest Click Here
38 Markup Inflation Click Here
39 Meaning and Features of Business Cycles Click Here
40 Meaning and Nature of Money. Click Here
41 Measures to Control Inflation Click Here
42 Natural and social environment concept, its components, and relationship Click Here
43 Natural and social environment Click Here
44 Paper Standard Click Here
45 Phases of Business Cycles Click Here
46 Philips Curve Click Here
47 Philips Curve_1 Click Here
48 Philosophical and epistemological basis of environmental studies Click Here
49 Principles of Note Issue Click Here
50 Rational Expectation Click Here
51 Role of Money in Eonomic Development Click Here
52 Samuelson’s Theory of Business Cycles Part-1 Click Here
53 Samuelson’s Theory of Business Cycles Part-2 Click Here
54 Scope of environmental Studies Click Here
55 Shift in the IS and LM curve Click Here
56 Structural Inflation Click Here
57 Tobin’s and Solow’s View on Philips Curve Click Here
58 Tobin’s and Solow’s View on Philips Curve_1 Click Here
59 Types of Environment Click Here
60 Types of Inflation -II Click Here
61 Types of Monetary Standards Metallic Standard Monometallism Click Here
62 Types of Monetary Standards Metallic Standard Bimetallism Click Here
63 Types of Money Click Here
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